Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Confessions of... ?!

Ok, yes dammit I know it has been too long since last I wrote. But I have been extremely busy with work, Sigma and tons of other things!

But do I have a hellified thought today. I was listening to the Ryan Cameron Show, and the discussion was about a woman who has been married for 23 years and apaarently has cheated on him for at least 10 years because his sex drive was all but non-existant. Another caller told her husband of 20 years that he should find sexual pleasure elsewhere due to the fact that she no longer found him sexually attractive. She felt it would be better if he found sex with someone else.

Now, this is SUCH an intriguing topic, I was just discussing this topic with some friends of mine. What do you do when your significant others sex drive is no where near your own? How do you cope when you, yourself has an extremely high drive? How do you reach an agreement with that person without making them feel inadequate. Is it even possible to salvage a relationship when you have allowed sex to disappear from your marriage?

On the other hand, how do you deal with the fact that your mate may not find you sexually stimulating anymore? What if he or she just doesnt think of you in that manner? I could only imagine how small that would make someone feel.

The question I suppose is whether either of these two circumstances warrent cheating? From the sex drive aspect, it has to be hard dealing with someone that doesnt express themselves sexually the way you do. This can in-fact lead to a plethra of feelings, hell one might be inclined to cheat!

But here's my question when you get married and you agree to compromise on things that you both may want, do or rather should you have to compromise on something that comes naturally? Your significant other wants your time; to cook, maybe clean, and be there for conversation. You meet those needs but they cannot or will not meet your sexual expectations. But I know its late and Im probably not making sense anymore! Perhaps its time for bed...

If I can!