Saturday, January 10, 2009

Confessions of Not Easily Broken!

Ok, well yes today I saw Not Easily Broken with my pre-wife. And I must say that the movie was a lot better than I imagined. But I feel like there are some things that I should clarify for some people out there.

For anyone out there that has or ever been married I would thoroughly advise you to take marriage counciling classes. ALmost every major thing outlined in that movie we went through in class. But I digress, Ladies allow me to explain to you the importance of a romantic, intimate relationship.

We as men will always love our wives, however, as a men we not only love but NEED sexual fullfilment. Ladies honestly, we can have a big ass arguement and later that night still make love to you as if nothing were wrong! LMAO, the moral of this section is to advise, ladies; never allow yourself to take that aspect out of the relationship! Cause that will make things very difficult. Why? Because as men we have a tendency to express ourselves sexual, and that is also another avenue for us to show our "emotion". Just a thought!

Although this was not outlined in the movie, recently I was watching a rather interesting series with my pre-wife. Ive never been a fan but the author Zane has her own series on Max.

Now, while watching this show I came to a conclusion! Women like her books because they like seeing things that they wish they could do! Which to me is the funniest shit in the WORLD! Why? Simple, ANY man on the face of this Earth would love it if his woman would do some of the kinky shit I have seen and heard about in her novels. Ladies, if you are in a committed relationship, please dont be afraid to let us know!

If women actually knew how freaky/horny/sex crazed men actually are the world would be a better place! lol Again, if yopu are in a secure relationship or even married please dont think your man wouldnt love it! We like Kinky shit lol, Oh but one quick note of advise. Don't be naive and think we'll only try it once, lol cause after the first time believe me, that shit is on the menu! LMAO

1 comment:

  1. Are we having a crisis here? I wish more straight women would let that shit go and do anything and everything to keep themselves and their men happy. It's great to be in a marriage where both of us think about sex like men and there are no holds barred. You're supposed to show that kinky side with your spouse.
